1. Median Builders


Barrier Thingie GIF by Giphy

Have you ever seen a median builder in action? You might think they lay the dividers one by one… but nope. Those things FLY. (It looks like they could even outpace the Roadrunner… Wile E. Coyote, take note!)

2. Bowl Stamper


Satisfying Bowl Stamper GIF by Giphy

It jiggles. It wiggles. Watch it too long and you’re sure to giggle! Yup, this massive stamp is used to print intricate patterns on bowls, plates, and anything else you put under it.

3. Pencil Tip Sharpener


Pencil Tip Sharpener GIF by Giphy

What… did you think they sharpened them one at a time?! Okay, we admit we did. In fact, we were pretty savvy sharpeners ourselves – it would’ve been a cool after-school side gig.

That said, this machine looks like it’s handling the job pretty well. Guess we’ll just continue with our chosen career paths.

4. Pretzel Twister

How Its Made Loop GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Pretzel Maker GIF by Giphy

There is something so satisfying about watching a robot do all the work so you can enjoy your carbs even more.

5. Frosting Drizzler


Factory Satisfying GIF by Giphy

I’m sure you never thought you’d see something that drizzles frosting as aggressively (and precisely) as this. To be fair, we didn’t either.

6. Ice Cream Sandwich Maker

Ice Cream Loop GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Ice Cream Sandwich Maker GIF by Giphy

Please, no inappropriate jokes. We’re all adults here. We can watch a mechanical arm slide up and down while smushing cream between two cookies. HEY! STOP LAUGHING! THIS IS SERIOUS STUFF!

UP NEXT: A Gadget That Makes Driving Smarter Not Harder

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