Okay – we can’t be the only ones who can’t wait to get back to the skies!

Here at GiddyUp, we’re based in different locations (mostly in the US, on both coasts) – so we’re all talking about how much we miss seeing our friends, family and each other.

So naturally, any innovation that helps us travel safely again catches our eye. The latest come from an Italian company, Avio Interiors. They designed two different types of airplane seats that include built-in social distancing measures. Let’s take a look at both!

The first concept is called Janus (a reference to the ancient Roman god of travel). This concept separates passengers from each other by reversing the middle seat – so it faces toward the back of the plane. It also includes transparent barriers between the seats.

Image source: Avio Interiors


They say this is the most efficient way to prevent the spread of germs on the plane – but it takes time to create. The earliest we could see Janus in the air is six months. However, there is a quicker option: Glassafe.

Image source: Avio Interiors


Glassafe is a barrier system using transparent shield guards on each seat. This works with existing seat designs, so it’s fast to create – we could see Glassafe within 2 months.

That said, the company warns that Glassafe is not as secure as the Janus concept. Glassafe only protects passengers from the shoulders up – so your hands are still exposed.

In any case, we applaud these efforts to bring travel back into our lives. The International Air Transport Association is reporting a 48% drop in passengers this year, so any innovation that can bring this number up is very welcome in our eyes!

Learn more at http://aviointeriors.it/

19 comments on “This “Two-Faced” Airplane Seat Could Help Us Fly Again Sooner

  1. anita on

    All the passenger air is circulated through out the plane, so the germs still travel with the air. The shields, masks, and 6′ distancing are only good for breath aerosols. Actual germs will just move with air.

    This is a costly process, and waste of space. How do families traveling together choose seating to sit together, for the sake and safety of the children? How would you know which set up the plane you will be in will have?

    A fix for a system that is not broken.

  2. Winster on

    Foreseeable issues – 1. for passengers like myself and my girls, sitting backwards in a moving vehicle (especially with turbulance) will trigger motion sickness. So if get “stuck’ to the backward facing seat, there will be many issues of sickness and throwing up
    2. if the middle seat is not clear, it will pose an issue when traveling with kids. They want to be close to parents and needs assistance with kid things even if its clear and you can see them.

  3. Kevin Twining on

    At a time when we really need to just stop flying as much as we used to (ideally we should just completely stop until there’s a viable alternative to fossil fuel), here we have a company doing something to get loads of us flying again, and Americans (who else?) orgasming over it. Build some really hi-speed rail instead!

  4. TJ on

    There are some major safety issues with both of those options when it comes to egress, you know, like when you have to exit the plane quickly in the event of an emergency. Socially this would also be quite awkward as others have pointed out. A much simpler solution is already in the works with filtered 222nm far-UVC lighting to kill surface and airborne pathogens safely in occupied areas (no skin or eye risks compared to higher UVC wavelengths.

  5. Deborah Banks on

    Isn’t the person in the middle row FACING 2 people? Unless they are 6 feet apart, a cough or sneeze will go right in your face. At least the present setup sends germs and viruses to the back of the seats, which can be wiped off.. Also, how the heck do you get in and out? The seat dividers seem better.

  6. Marcy on

    Covid is no more than the flu now. We have gotten some immunity from it, just like the flu. I really don’t want to look some stranger in the eye, or have him watch me eat etc. let’s get back to normal. Stop being afraid of your own shadow!

  7. Paul on

    I feel a seating area should be made similar to a wasp nest each individual should have their own area like a little capsule around their body in case airplane would crash, people would not fly around the inside of the plane. Saving more lives, is better than comfortable seating arrangements, would also help keep people from breathing germs. Each capsulated area could hold air and help keep plane from sinking.

  8. Mary Holbrook on

    I think the airlines will have to use both ideas together. Without the glass shields both passengers on either side of the turned around seat will really have no
    protection & the same for the turned around passenger. Where is the 6’ distancing? And, how will the food trays work on all 3 of the seats? I’m afraid I can’t see 1 person eating at a time!! Some people are fast eaters & others are slow eaters. 1 person at a time will never work! To the airlines: Good Luck!

  9. Gary on

    Typical engineering…looks good on paper. This will never “fly” (pun intended). How do extra large passenger negotiate that seating arraingment?

  10. Warren A . Hollier on

    The virus can be airborne and drift around. That’s the problem with face shields. Wearing a mask and using hand sanitizer seems to be more on point.

  11. C on

    Excellent idea! Although I would think that a bit more SPACE between ALL the seats would help as well.
    We canceled five trips since COVID and we’d LOVE to “fly the friendly skies” again!

  12. M. Kay Taylor on

    Hey, let’s get on it! I have resisted flying for a couple of years because of Covid. If airlines would use one of these methods, I would fly more.


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