What’s even better than living in the comfort of your own home? Going on a vacation, of course! But then, when we think of a holiday, our sights are anchored firmly to the earth – or go down below to the depths of the sea.

But our horizons may soon expand, as plans by Star Voyager and Hilton are underway to construct the first luxury hotel in outer space

Looking Up to the Stars

Hilton Hotels and Voyager Space, a worldwide leader in the space exploration sector, have announced plans to build and design a space hotel in the Earth’s orbit. 

They plan to call it Starlab, and although initially it will be designed for use by astronauts, the project can be considered a major milestone in the mission to make space travel more affordable and commonplace than ever before.

Once this project is complete, the leap to full-blown luxury accommodations for the average vacationer should not be too far off.

Plans for Starlab were first announced in 2021, and work is already underway. Companies involved include Voyager Space Holdings, Lockheed Martin, and even NASA, which recently awarded Nanoracks (a company owned by Voyager Space) $160 million in funding in 2021.

The Starlab space station is one of four currently in construction by U.S. companies hoping to succeed the International Space Station by 2030.

More Than Just a Destination

Don’t be tempted to think Starlab is merely one out of many destinations in space, however. According to Dylan Taylor, Chairman and CEO of Voyager Space, in a press release,Starlab will be more than just a destination, it will be an experience made infinitely more unique and artful with the Hilton team’s infusion of innovation, expertise, and global reach.” He went on to say, “Voyager and Hilton are acutely focused on creating innovative solutions for the future of humanity, and this partnership opens new doors to what is possible for comfort-focused space exploration and habitation.”

Though the idea of a space hotel venue has long been considered by the space and hospitality industries, Starlab will mark the first partnership of its kind between private stations currently being built. 

The presence of Hilton in the mix in particular cannot be overstated. At the 2022 International Astronautical Congress, Taylor touched on this, expressing his excitement and immense appreciation for the “unique perspective” that the Hilton brand is sure to bring to the table – especially since they are not native to the space environment.

In all likelihood, Hilton will be able to look at the project with a fresh pair of eyes, making them the perfect source for reimagining the entire space experience.

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