We’ve all done it before. We buy new glasses, a new computer, a new phone and SWEAR we won’t clean them with anything but the best cleaning products.
Two days later and you’re wiping down your glasses with an old t-shirt. Somehow, you’re still surprised to find scratches on the lenses.
What would it take to get you to stop doing this with your most prized possessions (like glasses that help you see things clearly and the phone that connects you to the world)?
If you’re just waiting on a reliable product, well, then the wait is over. It’s here.
No smudges, no smears, no scrapes. ScreenKlean actually does what it was made to do: transforms any screen so it’s fresh-out-of-the-box sparkly clean.
There’s some dirt on your screen? No problem. A million fingerpaints? Done. Dog fur, oils, dust … all gone.
What’s even better is ScreenKlean’s carbon pad does away with bacteria, too. No more touching your phone, picking up endless bacteria and viruses only to transfer all that to your face later on. In a way, the product is actually helping you steer clear of a potential cold.
For all those other devices you have (the computer, the iPad, etc.), rub them down with ScreenKlean, too! Just one swipe across and they’ll all be as good as new.
It’s so easy, you may get a little obsessed with erasing your fingerprints after every use.
Click here to get your own ScreenKlean.