Vodka, hand sanitizer, and… rocket ships?!
Seems like the sky’s the limit for this innovative company!
Air Company is a Brooklyn-based start-up company that has captured CO2 and turned it into products like vodka and hand sanitizer.
Now they’re setting their eyes on the sky and zeroing in on space exploration…
Air Company has announced plans to create a renewable rocket fuel that will reduce the impact of CO2 emissions that come from the spaceflight industry.
With more people now interested in things like SpaceX, and eventually creating a space flight system for civilians, it seems like large-scale space flight is coming – and fast.
But unfortunately, space travel negatively impacts the air and environment.
Here’s how they plan to solve the “pollution problem”:
The company wants to use CO2 from the air rather than burning fossil fuel in order to create a unique type of rocket fuel.
By not burning the fossil fuel, C02 is kept within the earth. This closes the carbon loop, preventing the CO2 from damaging our atmosphere.
Air Company will use wind energy to make their fuel, which means the emissions produced by this process become insignificant. The efficiency of their fuel creation has a lower carbon intensity than if natural gas was used instead.
But they’re not limiting their ideas to this planet…
The company wants to take it out of this world… and onto Mars!
Mars’ atmosphere consists of 95% C02, which they intended to utilize in order to bring people home from mars.
Each journey to mars gives off 715 TONS of CO2 – and that doesn’t include all the carbon from burning fossil fuels used to create liquid methane.
“As we focus on our CO2 technology and where it can be most beneficial to solve problems, spending time on an innovation that could bring people home from Mars is something that motivates us to continue to push humanity forward,” said co-founder Gregory Constantine.
But that’s not all…
Air Company also plans to build a refueling station in outer space. To accomplish this, they’ll work alongside the spaceflight industry to develop cutting-edge technology.
Their goal is to create a renewable fuel that will make spaceflight, and exploration, environmentally friendly for future generations.
Now it’s your turn! Would you take a trip to outer space if it was available? Should more companies look into this tech in other industries?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!
Learn more about Air Company and their unique CO2-based inventions at
That sounds great! Talk about recycling……..if it works.