Customized Caffeinated Cup-O-Joe
As much coffee as you drink, isn’t it about time you got the perfect cup of joe for you? We’re thinking customized flavor & caffeine levels determined by your body chemistry. Can’t be that hard, right?
Why Don’t Flat Power Cords Exist Yet?
While you may get a kick out of watching your co-workers trip over cords in the office, it’s not so funny when it happens to you. This flat, sticky extension cord would prevent all tripping disasters while being less of an eyesore..
How is this not available yet?
The Perfect Bath From Start To Finish
How many times have you drawn the PERFECT bath only to get distracted for a few minutes before getting in to soak? By the time you’re ready to relax, the water is lukewarm, or worse, already cold!
The idea is to pop these “stones” into the tub once it’s warm, and they’ll keep it at your ideal temperature. The only thing it’s missing: bubble bath dispensing.
Do you think flat power cords will be available in 2021? You guys will be the first to have them, I hope.
Thanks for the hacks; will sure try the glue on splinter one soon, as I Always get splinters!