A new “Smart Face Mask” has just been invented in Japan – and it comes packed with a ton of features we haven’t seen in any other mask.
(And that’s saying a lot… we’ve seen some crazy mask ideas lately!)
The main feature of this new mask, called the C-FACE Smart Mask, is that it lets you make calls remotely using a built-in speaker. This means you never have to touch your mouth to your phone, nor do you have to remove your mask to use your phone as usual.
The mask also lets you send text messages via voice using a built-in speech recognition function.
Perhaps even cooler, you can wear the mask over top of your current fabric mask. (Yes, we know… that makes it more of a “mask modifier”.) Once you connect C-FACE to your mask, you then connect the device to your phone via Bluetooth.
But wait… there’s even more it can do!
Not only does the device allow you to use your phone hands-free, it also includes a number of useful features – such as the ability to translate from Japanese into eight other languages and record meeting notes.
You can even amplify your voice with the mask, allowing you to communicate at further distances.
Sounds pretty cool so far, doesn’t it? Well, this is just the beginning – the makers of C-MASK, Donut Robotics, are planning to include augmented reality and VR applications for the mask.
Alright, when can I get one? And does it speak English?
Right now, Donut Robotics is planning for a September release – so it’s not too far away from becoming reality.
That said, the initial run will be limited to Japan, and only 5,000 units will be made. They’ll be quite affordable for what they can do, though. They plan to charge around $30 once it’s released – and they do have plans to launch in the United States eventually, along with other countries. However, no date has been set at the moment.
So, what’s your opinion? Would you use the C-MASK once it’s released? What’s your dream mask? Let us know in the comments below!