As we make progress in the fight against breast cancer, it’s important to look around and highlight some of the amazing innovations that are helping end this terrible disease.

These innovations span several aspects of breast cancer-related healthcare such as treatment, detection, diagnosis, and research. Many women are being diagnosed and treated earlier for this cancer today thanks to breakthroughs like these in the field.

Check out these 5 innovations that are revolutionizing care for breast cancer.

A woman checking for signs of breast cancer


Scientists and doctors have been working diligently for decades to develop better breast cancer treatments. The result is that several new advancements are revolutionizing care and creating better survival rates.

1. Liquid biopsy

Researchers are currently testing out a hypothesis that something in the blood can indicate the presence of breast cancer before it occurs. Researchers at Memorial Health in South Florida are testing the blood of patients who have abnormal imaging findings for circulating biomarkers associated with tumors, which are too small to appear on imaging tests.

The goal of this research is to find out whether these biomarkers exist in patients who are diagnosed with breast cancer immediately or will be in the future.

The results from this research could allow doctors to use simple blood tests to diagnose breast cancer early.

2. Ancestry

Could your family tree have a part in determining whether or not you get breast cancer?  Researchers from the NSU AutoNation Institute for Breast Cancer Research and Care in South Florida are studying the link between ancestry and aggressive types of breast cancers.

South Florida is a great place to conduct this research because of its diverse population. The researchers are culturing samples and looking at mutations that may occur in certain ethnicities and races to target. 

3. Non-surgical options

The typical reaction to any cancer diagnosis is “Get this out of me!” but is surgery always necessary? 

A study focused on non-invasive forms of breast cancer is in the works. It will help researchers determine if all patients need surgery. This study, dubbed the Comet Trial, hopes to enroll 1,200 women at sites across the U.S. for observation every six months over the next five years. 

4. Advanced mammography

A doctor looks at an image on a screen while a patient stands in the foreground


No one wants to get a cancer diagnosis. Not only is the news terrifying but the method of detection can be uncomfortable and even painful. A new mammography machine is helping change that. 

The machine, known as Pristina, has soft armrests, rounded edges, and soft, curved surfaces. Its detector is smooth and thin and it has a hand-held remote, called Dueta, that allows patients to adjust the level of compression. Pristina offers women an unprecedented level of control over their biopsy experience. 

Another advancement in detection is contrast-enhanced mammography. This new method can reveal cancers that are not visible on standard mammograms. Contrast-enhanced mammography is cheaper than MRI and offers results in about five minutes, compared to the 30-40 minutes required by an MRI machine.

5. Personalized treatment

Treatment meant for you and you alone? That’s what researchers at UM Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center are working on right now.

Personalized treatment of breast cancer would track and identify actionable and unique abnormalities in a patient’s tumor to determine the best drugs for that cancer. Personalized recommendations like this are the future of breast cancer treatment. 

UM, Sylvester currently has 16 clinical trials open to breast cancer patients to identify different treatments including radiation therapy, a vaccine, and immunotherapy. 

An ever-advancing fight

Open hands with the word, HOPE, and a pink ribbon as the “O.”


Breast cancer continues to be a disease faced by millions of women all over the world. Staying abreast of the many positive strides made in the fight against it offers us a chance to learn, appreciate, and hope for a better future! 

What innovation are you most excited about? Do you have a story to share? Comment your thoughts below and share the good news with your friends and families.

3 comments on “These 5 Innovations Offer Hope In The Fight Against Breast Cancer

  1. Judy Bernstein on

    The new mammography machines. Having had Breast Cancer and subsequently going for my annual mammogram is quite painful. Reason being, I developed scar tissue where my cancer was and unfortunately my body did not absorb it. Thus, whenever I get a mammogram, it is truly very painful.


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